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Отзыв работника Аноним о работодателе — Пелискер, строительно-сервисная компания

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Отзыв от Аноним о компании-работодателе Пелискер, строительно-сервисная компания

Orloloумный 1. Use glass plates, don't use any metallic things. 2. Close the cave door when it's working. 3. Don't dry animals with the cave. 4. Don't clear the cave when it's working. 5. Microwaves are dangerous! Don't remove the backside of the cave. 6. If something is wrong with the cave, call to a custome service. 7. You may use plastic containers if they had made by a safe matherial. 8. Don't heat any inflammable things with the cave.
Orloloумный 1. Use glass plates, don't use any metallic things. 2. Close the cave door when it's working. 3. Don't dry animals with the cave. 4. Don't clear the cave when it's working. 5. Microwaves are dangerous! Don't remove the backside of the cave. 6. If something is wrong with the cave, call to a custome service. 7. You may use plastic containers if they had made by a safe matherial. 8. Don't heat any inflammable things with the cave.
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